Sunday, May 24, 2015

Wholemeal Raisin Loaf

After yesterday's sweet potato loaf, I need to try out my hydration calculation. I tried another recipe from honeybee's site and make sure hydration is not more than 70%. Somehow the silly part of me kept thinking and fearing for the wholemeal dryness and added around 50ml more water while it was kneading.
The dough was very sticky but I pour some flour when shaping before 2nd rise. It was still a very soft dough but much more manageable than the sweet potato one. 
After waiting for it to cool and eating into it, truly a soft loaf considering it is a wholemeal loaf. 

425 wholemeal flour
210 bread flour
2 1/2 teaspoon instant dried yeast
400ml water
Mix and knead all ingredients for around 5 mins, I left it on the counter for an hour before leaving in the fridge overnight

Main dough :
210gm bread flour
2 teaspoon salt
70gm brown sugar
130ml water
35ml milk
45gm butter
2 packet of small raisin boxes soaked in water to softened
1 teaspoon of instant yeast

1. Knead all main dough in the mixer with dough except for butter and raisins hook until well combined. Tear up pieces of the sponge and let it knead till soft and elastic.
2. Add in pieces of butter and knead until the window pane consistency is reached. I reached this when dough was still sticky but then I prefer it to be well hydrated than drying out later
3. I let my dough proof in the Kitchenaid bowl until double the size. I use a cling wrap as well
4. Once it has doubled, punched it out and divide the dough into 2. I floured my bench and divided each part into 2 again. I rolled the, into a long elongated shape, flattened and squashed raisins into dough. Fold the dough and roll to ensure all raisins are secured in the dough
I roll the dough into long sausage shape and place them side my side in. 9inch loaf pan.
5. Do the same for the other dough and you will have 2 loaf of bread ready for second proofing.
Second proof took 1.5 hours for me and I just can't wait anymore. 
Preheat oven to 175C, bake for 30-35 mins until golden brown and hollow sound when tap on surface.
Cool completely before cutting 

I manage to fill our whole box of bread with bread!! 

This is Chapie, very happy feeding on wholemeal flour. This starter is ready for baking soon

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