Sunday, June 07, 2015

Sourdough boule

This boule is using the Tartinr method. Stretch and fold is used for bulk fermentation
Long process
Ingredients :
100g fed bob
350ml water
500g flour
2tbs chia seeds+ 6 Tbs water
1tbs salt and 10g water

Autolyse: mix bob, water and flour. Let it autolyse for around 1-2 hours

Once done, squeeze in salt into dough and starte stretch and fold process
I have done stretch and fold for 7 times in intervals of 30mi s
After folds are done, prepare for preshaping. Flour the bench and dough and start to shape and tighten
Rest for another 30mins and do final shape
Let it proof for another 5-6 hours in a floured basket lined and flour teatowel then preheat oven to 230C
Place a parchment paper under the dough then gently place in Dutch Oven , quickly slash and cover for 20 mins
Open cover after 20mins and bake for another 20 mins until top is nicely brown

Pumpkin Loaf

Prep the pumpkin purée.
150g pumpkin purée
30g flour
100ml water

This pre dough is done using the scalding method, mix all ingredients and stir until a boil then lift off heat and let it cool. Place in fridge overnight

Main dough:
Pre dough
400g bread flour
60g caster sugar
3/4 tsp salt
100g Bob fed and ready
100g milk (add more if dough is too dry)
35g butter

Knead all ingredients in the mixer until pass window pane test
Bake in 180C oven for 20-30 mins
Once done, remove from oven and cool on rack

Apple braid bread

Apple filling:
4 large green apples, skinned and cored and diced
30g melted butter
1 lemon juice
2-3tbs sugar depending on taste
1/2tsp cinnamon
Melt butter on saucepan, cooked apples until soft
Mix lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon.
Leave aside to cool

Proceed with bread dough. This dough is using the usual tz recipe

Roll a rectangle shape, cut each sides to strips, place cooled Apple filling in the middle of dough and start braiding

Bake in 180C overs for 15-20mins or until golden brown